Friday, August 5, 2011

Home Sweet Home

After spending 30 amazing days in Uganda I am happy to say that it was great sleeping in my own bed last night. But after going through all my pictures this morning I wanted to hop on a plane and go right back! This experience will be unforgettable. I was able to experience so many wonderful things and my eyes have definitely been opened in a new way. I went into this trip hoping I would be able to make a difference in some lives but I have to honestly say that that people in Uganda made more of a difference in my life. These people know how to truly love and have the most joy that I have ever seen in people. Little kids no more than the age of 5, that have multiple wounds, flies crawling all over them and tattered clothes know how to truly laugh and just be happy.

The last day of the trip, Tuesday Aug. 2nd, I spent at the farm for the opening ceremony for the 2011/2012 Farming God's Way class. It was so wonderful to get to see these 6 students so bright eyed and excited to start their year long course. It was so great to see all the hard work that some of the other volunteers and I put into the farm be appreciated. This little, tedious tasks that we sometimes complained about, like moving bricks from one side of the yard to the other, or painting logs with oil to keep the termites off make all the difference to the farm looking at the highest standard and it really paid off at the end.

For our last school outing we got to take grades 3, 4 and 5 to a local swimming pool. It is not something these children are use to. Actually, most Ugandans fear water, in amounts larger than a basin used for bathing. These children had so much fun though and did an amazing job for only having swam a handful of times. It was pretty chaotic, lots of splashing and screaming, but no one drowned or got hurt so it was a successful day.

I have so many memories and stories from Uganda that will always have a special place in my heart. I am so thankful that I was blessed with this opportunity and will be forever changed from it. Without all the prayer and support it wouldn't have been possible so thanks to everyone who helped me get there! As always I have so much that I could write about my trip that it would get to long, but I would love to share more with anyone who wants to know! Uganda currently has a huge part of my heart and I hope that someday I will be lucky enough to make it back there to serve again with amazing people! Remember: Love Hard.